Honest PR consultants for honest managers
We love communication that builds trust. We all have academic backgrounds and we are consultants of public relations, public affairs, moving images, and social media. PPR Hamburg’s PR consultants are excellent project managers, using all the tools of a modern PR workbench. Furthermore, they know best how to offer consulting services that change public acknowledgement effectively. And last but not least, our system has been developed in a way that we are able to optimize our internal management at all times. We can also adapt to our clients’ management. By accompanying and supporting managers and decision makers with our proven work methods, we as PR consultants make our PPR Hamburg products fit right into the demanding daily routines of managers of enterprises, the German Mittelstand, and individuals.
Our Partnerships, our Priorities
Building partnerships is our key priority. We did not begin with investors. Our founder, Rafael Robert Pilsczek began with clients and continued to grow his business into what PPR Hamburg is today. From the start, Rafael Robert Pilsczek has gathered expert know-how and ideas on the project and management tasks of modern public relations. He has traveled and worked internationally and has built a strong network. We understand that we are only as strong as our network. We measure our work based on our client successes. This is why we keep our promises.
Transparency and Liabilty
In Hamburg, German attributes like reliability, punctuality, and directness count. The PR consultants of PPR Hamburg live by these values. We are determined to make our clients more successful. We act transparently and keep your budget in mind. Because the world of media, both online and offline, is becoming constantly more international, we are prepared to present your company to the world. Whoever comes to us – whether from Munich, Stuttgart, South Korea or Washington, D.C. – will experience the impact of our smart communication.
This is our promise.